Me and Jerry Di Rhino Clark

Me and Jerry Di Rhino Clark
At Ripley Studios In NYC

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Top MLM Truth Is That To Be An MLM Champion You Must Sponsor Up

The top mlm truth that is the rocketfuel for your business is to sponsor up. If you do not then you are missing out big time. You want to have people who have been more successful than you in their profession because that shows that they are the most coachable people you will ever talk to. They understand business and they know what it takes to be successful. Since they seeem to be the type who have good people skills due to the fact that they can take their people skills that they have developed over the years in their real world career and transfer them over to network marketing. And they are the ones who use their free time wisely. They do not just hang out with anyone whom they have met. They get to know, like and trust the person before they decide they even want to have a second meeting with them. Also the people who were successful in their profession know what it takes to get the job done and they are used to meeting deadlines since they have been told so many times to do so by their bosses. The fact that they are good at following instructions tells you that they can visualize best what their life will be like in five years. Here is a key question that will strengthen your relationship with them. If time and money was not an issue, where would you go what would you do? And if they are a successful mortgage broker who earns a lot of money and has little time with their family they would reply and tell you spending more time with their family. So than they would put a minimum of five hours and maximum ten and do the activites that are necessary to get one person a month. The prospects will be attracted to them because they are able to make the time to build their business while persisting at their full time job. There is an old saying in network marketing today that part timer attract part timers. So if one part timer can do it, so can another one!!!

Even if you have not made your first ten dollars in the check let them know that they can do it as well. Do not be ashamed of yourself that you are not successful. There is a difference between being poor and being broke. Being poor means that you can not afford it and it is a bad thing because you are speaking your reality into existence. And when you do that you make the situation ten times worse than it already is. But when you say to yourself that I am having fun building my business then you act like the top money earner than you draw more people to you. It is dumb not to act that way because in other businesses it is more expensive to join and a lot more capital is required. Stop caring about what other people think. Because if you do you are going to come accross as needy and nobody wants to have anything to do with a needy person. They want to have someone around who has confidence!!!

Lawrence Bergfeld

Build Your All Star Team Today
Lawrence Bergfeld

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